Why Choose the Graphic Novel?

What is a graphic novel?

  • a publishing format
  • books written and illustrated in the style of a comic book
  • can be lengthy with a complex storyline
  • aimed at a variety of audiences
  • has been used for centuries in the forms of cave drawings, hieroglyphics and medieval tapestries
  • can develop critical thinking and reading ability
  • can include; literary devices, narrative structure, metaphor and symbolism, point of view, alliteration, puns, inference
  • most importantly can be FUN!!!!

Graphic Novels tell a story through both pictures and words, for an assignment the students must pick a significant figure in history and use the principles of a graphic novel to tell the story of their lives. In order to assist with this task the students can go to http://www.readwritethink.org/MATERIALS/COMIC/. The graphic novels will be presented to the class in order to allow all students to attain the information researched by their peers.

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